St. John's Home Blog

I Wish for a Goddaughter!

Written by Monica Chia | 14-Jan-2020 08:08:35

This was what Uncle Loh, an 84-year-old resident at our home wrote on his Wish Card on the Wishing Tree that a corporate group had set up at our Home last Christmas. When asked why he wanted a goddaughter, Uncle Loh said he wished he had someone who would show him concern and comfort him when he felt sad.

He is not alone. While a few of the residents had wished for simple things like shoes or a dress, most wishes were not for material things but for “happiness”, companionship or friendship. At our Home, our staff work hard to provide for the elderly’s daily needs: nutritious food, clean living conditions and clothes. However, it is quite a challenge to meet the elderly’s emotional needs. Not surprisingly then, at the end of the day, an elderly person may feel lonely in the quiet of the night.

We invite volunteers with willing hearts to befriend our residents. Regular visits help build a relationship with them and the engagement with people will give stability and purpose to our residents. It is extremely comforting to the elderly to know that there is someone who is willing to spend time talking and listening to them.

Would you be that “someone”?

To volunteer at our Home, please fill in this online form and we will contact you shortly: