St. John's Home Blog

Waiting To Visit My Great Granny Soon

Written by Lang Si Han | 06-May-2020 08:07:46

With the rising number of COVID-19 cases in Singapore, on 21st April, Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong announced the extension of Singapore’s Circuit Breaker to 1 June.  Amongst the multiple cases presented, a piece of news which particularly worries me is the  nursing home COVID-19 clusters, where 5 nursing homes have seen residents tested positive for COVID-19.

With these clusters arising, it is really a reminder to all of us that we should continue to practise social responsibility, by looking out for the vulnerable ones in our society.  Hence, I support the move for all nursing homes to be closed to visitors till the end of the Circuit Breaker.  My great grandmother is in a nursing home, and this piece of news really hits close to heart as I imagine it could have been her who was infected, and how especially vulnerable she is to this disease.  It is disheartening that we are not able to visit her for the time being, but we reassure her by promising to call her, and visit her once Singapore tides through this trying period.  As negative as the current situation may be, it however makes us more appreciative of the things and people around us.  This virus reminds us that lives are fragile.  I hope Singaporeans will emerge from this being more grateful for even the smallest actions such as greeting a friend with a hug or gathering with grandparents to enjoy a hotpot meal.

I continue to count my blessings during this COVID-19 period and am exploring new ways to pass time at home.  I am learning new skills, such as cooking from my mother, and exercising more on my own with night runs in the neighborhood.  We are all given the same amount of time but what we takeaway from this Circuit Breaker is up to us as to how we want to spend this time meaningfully.

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