St. John's Home Blog

Working Hand-in-Hand for Successful Ageing

Written by Monica Chia | 25-Jun-2019 01:00:00

It is common for elderly residents to take some time to adjust to a new place when they first arrive at St John’s Home. Some find it more difficult than others, depending on the residents’ life experiences, his or her cultural values and personal beliefs. Many continue to face challenges as they learn to adjust to a routine and community living. 

A Partnership

The Counselling and Coaching team from the Hua Mei Centre for Successful Ageing (HMCSA) has been partnering the team at St John’s Home for Elderly Persons (SJHEP) to provide counselling services to the seniors at the Home for the past six years. We provide individual counselling and group coaching to support the residents in managing and adjusting to their new life and home.

Uncle Timothy came into SJHEP in 2017. He was an introvert man who preferred to keep to himself then. Through our various attempts in connecting with him, he subsequently grew to be more sociable and outgoing – he now candidly greets people around the home and is aware of his surroundings.

The close partnership is effective due to constant involvement from the staff at SJHEP as they continuously observes and regularly gives feedback on residents’ psycho emotional needs to our team - issues such as changes in the residents’ physical health, conflictual relationships between residents and adjustment issues (resulting in emotional stresses) which the Home and its residents may need help in coping.

This helps us to create a suitable counselling intervention plan that is targeted to motivate and better support the residents emotionally in an appropriate way. A very common issue to manage is the conflict among the residents which can be mitigated through conducting emotional management skills sessions with them – this has successfully reduced the number of conflicts and helped improved overall relationships among the residents.

Residents Supporting Each Other

Another approach is through coaching groups conducted by our counsellors for residents.  Emotional Management Groups focus on creating awareness and seeing new possibilities in accepting and managing emotions. Life Review Groups focus on appreciating each personal life journey and becoming more positive. Through these activities, we noted that the residents showed enthusiasm and a sense of belonging as they shared similar challenges they face.  Take for example Uncle Ronald and Aunty Claudia who previously seldom interact, after their participation in the group, they became close support to each other.  Aunty Claudia shared an account of her recent fall and low mood with Uncle Ronald, who empathised and encouraged her to live positively.

I Will Find Help

The close collaboration between HMCSA and SJHEP has also helped residents to start taking charge and be empowered towards themselves and the home. At times, we get residents approaching and asking us for support on their own initiative. For instance, Auntie Moana approached us for counselling because she became acutely aware of changes in her physical health, resulting in feelings of anxiety and insomnia. Her attempt to find these answers through counselling helped to alleviate her anxiety and hence increase her sense of control.

We continue to work together to give our elderly at the home a good life in their golden years.

* Names in the article has been changed

- Loh Yan Zhu and Lina Koh (Counsellors, Hua Mei Centre for Successful Ageing, Tsao Foundation)

Understanding and Managing Anxiety - Hua Mei Centre for Successful Ageing, Tsao Foundation

Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect those of St. John's Home for Elderly Persons.
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