
Respite Care

Providing Caregivers with Respite

Taking care of an elderly loved one is a fulfilling yet challenging commitment. It can be a long and demanding journey. The constant effort can put physical and emotional stress on the caregiver over the long term. Caregivers need to take periodic breaks and practise self-care to continue journeying with their loved ones. To avoid burnout, caregivers can opt for Respite Care.

If you are interested in Respite Care services, register your interest here.

What is Respite Care?

Respite Care, also known as short-term care, is temporary supported living at a Sheltered Home. It provides an opportunity for caregivers to take temporary relief from caregiving for a few days to weeks at a time.

If you are interested in Respite Care services, register your interest here.

What do we offer?

Our Sheltered Home offers Respite Care for reasonably well and ambulant seniors. At our Home, the seniors can receive Person-Centred, Holistic and Quality Care Services that Enable and Enrich the Quality of Life of Our Residents.

The Minimum Period of Stay (MPS) is seven days. The maximum stay period is up to 90 days per calendar year.

If you are interested in Respite Care services, register your interest here.

Frequently Asked Questions

Who is eligible?

What is the minimum and maximum stay period?

What are the fees?

How to apply?

Respite Care Form


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