
Acceptance Is Key To Happiness


Acceptance Is Key To Happiness

Posted by Lester Lee on 04-Mar-2016 07:00:00

One of the most challenging part of growing older is that things no longer remain the same as yesterday – mentally, physically and spiritually. 




For many, the change is gradual and slow, but eventually, we realise that we are no longer the person we used to be. 

But there is a big secret on how we can face these changes and still be happy going about enjoying the life that we have built and that secret is ACCEPTANCE.

The first is that we must accept that the passage of time and growing old is part of the journey of life for everyone, without exception to both rich and poor alike. 

Accepting the fact that we are old or getting older means accepting the consequences and limitations. 

Physical weakness, illness and slowing down is all part of the aging process. 

Once we accept this as part of God’s plan, we can truly look forward to enjoying whatever joy that your health can give you.

Money and finance is often something that cause a lot of worry and fear as we grow older simply because we are not able to earn more and we need to depend on what we have saved to provide us through the remaining years.  

But you should not let money become the source of all your problems – in reality, nobody believes that they have enough! 

Everyone’s needs are different but to be truly happy, one must accept the fact that they deserve to enjoy a little bit of the fruits of their labor. 

Do with your savings what makes you happy because your children can probably take care of themselves.

Once you accept your financial situation, you must take care of your mental well-being. 

Happiness is all about enjoying people around you and not material things. 

There is nothing more comforting than to forgive and to accept forgiveness because that will give you great peace of mind. 

Accepting the past as something you cannot change and living in the joys of the present is truly the key. 

Have fun with the people you love and care about today and leave the future truly in God’s hands.

Last but not least, befriend and accept death as part of life. 

Do not be afraid but look at it as a journey to a new life and a new beginning. 

Your prayers should be about helping you prepare, not for death, but the new beginning after. 

You can do this by first making peace with yourself and surrendering to God’s plans for you.