
Encouraging Gratitude

Category: Happiness

Encouraging Gratitude

Posted by Samuel Quek on 15-Apr-2019 16:12:49

Initially, most residents placed here by their loved ones would have some misgivings for being Encouraging Gratitudehoused in a Shelter.  Gradually, they get adjusted to staying here and understand that their loved ones have their interests at heart.  Most are happy and grateful to stay at St. John’s Home for Elderly Persons.

Uncle Lou’s unmade bed

One morning, I received a complaint from a resident that his bed was not made.  Uncle Lou was usually grateful to our staff and for the service rendered to him, but that morning was different.  I realised he was quite unhappy that his bed sheet was not changed and probably was tired and wanted to rest on his bed, but could not due to the unsatisfactory state of the bed sheet.

I assured Uncle Lou that it would be done as soon as possible and requested his patience.  I tried to appeal for his understanding and explained that it was likely the Healthcare Assistant (HA) was troubled by a late-night phone call about some problems encountered by her family.  This could had caused her distraction and not made his bed in the usual time.  I added that our HAs come from another country to work here, away from their loved ones.  After listening to me, Uncle Lou instantly changed his attitude towards the situation and even went to say, “thank you!” to the HA.  Since then, there has not been any complaints from him.

Money no enough

In one of my conversations with Uncle Tom, he complained to me that his son did not give him enough spending money.  On several occasions, Uncle Tom had been vocal in his demands for more money when in actual fact, he has much more as compared to other residents.  I explained to him that he should feel grateful to his son who has taken upon himself to pay for his stay at our Home and even consistently giving him pocket money.

Auntie Ava is Home

81 years old Auntie Ava grew to love this place so much, that every time she goes out for lunch with her children, she will remind them to bring her “Home” as soon as they finish.  Auntie Ava is grateful to her children for admitting her here, and shows appreciation to us for taking care of her.  This is unlike before when she often yearned to return to her children.

Our Home has endeavoured to encourage our elderly residents to be grateful whenever the opportunity arises. We have seen positive results, including not hearing any more of Uncle Tom’s demands of more pocket money.  Nothing blesses us more when our seniors have caught the “gratitude bug”.

*Names in article had been changed.

Topics: Happiness