
Considering the Impact of Older Persons on New Urban Development

Posted by Pek Chew Lian on 30-Sep-2015 20:00:00

Tomorrow, we celebrate the 25th anniversary of the International Day of Older Persons.

In Singapore, it is estimated that by 2030, about one in five Singaporean will be above the age of 65 (source:

Correspondingly, the United Nations estimates that by 2050, every one in five persons in developing countries will be aged 60 and above (source:

The trend of older persons (especially in developing countries) moving from rural areas to urban cities, presents opportunities for elderly persons to improve their quality of life, provided that the cities they live in are well-planned to cater to the changing needs of the ‘silver generation’.  

And this calls for the local authorities to have the foresight and resolve to incorporate elderly-friendly amenities when planning housing, urban environments and transportation facilities.

In Singapore, this is gradually taking shape. The Government is supportive of the Aging-in-Place model, which is a more sustainable way of catering to the needs of the increasingly greying population.

The United Nations’ 2015 IDOP “celebration seeks to demonstrate that an age inclusive agenda is crucial for sustainable urban environments to promote equity, welfare and shared prosperity for all.”


Are you an elderly or a Pioneer Generation member? What are some elderly-friendly amenities that you would like to see in public spaces?


