
Take Time to Smell the Flowers


Take Time to Smell the Flowers

Posted by Pek Chew Lian on 20-Nov-2015 15:03:37

This beauty greets me almost every morning as I walk from the train station to my workplace – St. John’s Home for Elderly Persons, which is nestled within the Sennett Estate.



Some morning, it faces the road. Other mornings, like yesterday, it turned towards the pavement – my direction.

It stands tall, but lies low. It is obscure to those who walk with their eyes glued to their mobile phones.

It always has a radiant smile for those who bother to give it a glance, or more…..

Its presence makes my walk to the Home an enjoyable one. I look forward to seeing this bright, beautiful and glamorous flower every morning. I’d imagine it as my good friend waiting to welcome me with open arms and a big smile.

In the evening, when I knock off from work. This beauty seems to retire for the day too, for its petals close up, and it hunches.

This morning, as I walk to the Home, I see it no more.

Thank you, my friend, for making each of my work day a beautiful one. I hope to see you again, some day…..

Don’t just zip through life. Take time to smell the flowers.